360-Degree Feedback Articles

360-Degree Feedback Articles

Articles About 360-Degree Feedback, Projects, and Coaching

Strategy For Mining Organizational Trends

You have a lot of wisdom to offer your organization, but if you have nothing unique to offer about the crucial issues, it’s hard to get a hearing at the executive table. Everyone knows already about problems in the economy, sales, and staffing. But you could make a valued contribution by identifying other issues that […]

360 Normative Data is Less Useful Than Local Data

Wouldn’t you love to have access to data that tells you whether your people are working at a level of skill that’s appropriate for your industry or sector? You could compare it with your 360-degree feedback results and feel satisfaction and pride. Or initiate some urgently needed retraining. Granny’s wisdom Our quest for normative data […]

Say It To My Face

“If it’s worth saying, say it straight to my face.” That’s the slogan of some who question the place of 360-degree feedback in the workplace. They don’t believe that feedback should be mediated or anonymous. 360-degree feedback joined the army 360-degree feedback got its start in the US army about 60 years ago. Its leaders […]

Providing Feedback in Groups is Helpful

The optimum way to provide 360-degree feedback reports is with other people around. When a person receives a report in isolation, they may be delighted by the feedback. But if they encounter critical comments, there’s also a significant risk of fear and despair. That’s difficult enough, but what makes it harder is that there’s no […]

HR And OD Professionals Bring Special Skills

There’s a mistaken tendency to undervalue HR and OD professionals. 360-degree feedback vendors sometimes contribute to this when they suggest that their off-the-shelf questionnaires have been universally “validated”. The implication is that your unique skills are not required. Just plug and play. But the truth is that an HR or OD professional who designs a […]

Reduce Anxiety Of 360 Responders By Tending To Recipients

Today we will consider five ways to reduce responders’ anxiety. 1. Feedback makes the world go round Remind responders that there’s nothing new or fancy about feedback. It’s basic to human nature. We all need know how we’re doing. That’s why, from infancy onwards, we get praise when we do well, and corrections to help […]

Committing To 360 For The Long Haul

A car runs over the base of a traffic pylon, sending it spinning into the ditch. Had that plastic orange cone been a pedestrian, they’d had suffered very sore toes! Large oncoming objects A novice driver was at the controls. The learner was a little nervous, a little cautious, but generally doing fine. In other […]

Unwilling 360-Degree Feedback Responders

“Sorry,” said the woman, as she refused to answer a 360-degree feedback questionnaire, “I have become way too cynical for this project.” She was not alone. Why these unwilling responders? Blame history. Some have lost faith that the organization is serious about making changes, or developing its employees’ skills. They look back at promises broken, […]

Increase 360-Degree Feedback Effectiveness With The Appreciative 360

Would you like to increase the effectiveness of your 360-degree feedback?  Ask yourself this question: Which group is likely to respond best to critical feedback – those who feel judged and disparaged, or those who feel appreciated? The Criticized We know that when people experience a lot of criticism, they become rigid, resist change, and […]

Top 10 Tips For Effective 360-Degree Feedback

Helping individuals grow through 360-degree feedback is critically important in times like this, when we have to accomplish more with fewer people.  Here are 10 ways to make sure you get the most value from your 360s.  1.       Ask your leaders to talk-up the advantages of 360 to the health of the organization. For instance, […]

360-Degree Feedback for Remote Work

Today, working from home has become a much bigger part of our environment, and it’s a change that’s likely to persist. So we need to focus our 360-degree feedback projects on certain new competencies and etiquettes. Take advantage of the Panoramic approach for teams with this changed perspective. Tailor your feedback questions to include those who experience much of their contact with leaders through […]

What To Do If You’re Worried Whether People Will Respond To 360

The better the response rate to a 360-degree feedback survey, the more weight you can give the results. But why do some organizations achieve a 95% response rate, while others languish in the 60s and 70s? And how do you attract more people to respond? One excellent method is to discover what makes people want […]

Protecting Integrity in Governance with 360-Degree Feedback

In the wake of recent corporate scandals, 360-degree feedback has emerged as a tool that may help prevent future disasters. The tool is already recognized for promoting the growth of managers. It enables people in the know to provide their leaders with an honest assessment of their skills and integrity, based on a secure, confidential […]

Skills Experts Advocate 360-Degree Feedback To Assess Leaders’ Development Needs

To develop effective leaders, organizations should invest in 360-degree feedback to diagnose their development needs. That’s the advice of Jocelyn Bérard, national practice leader of Optimum Talent, who has championed the use of feedback to drive personal development. “Self-awareness adds a great deal to the growth of leaders,” he says, “and 360-degree feedback, accompanied by […]

Cumulative 360 Data Guides Strategic Planning

HR professionals who harness the aggregate data provided by 360 degree feedback make a valued contribution to the well-being of their organization. This data assists in the strategic management of human assets which, in competitive times, can make the difference between success and failure. 360 degree feedback is constantly gaining adherents because it is so […]

Understanding 360-Degree Feedback

The 360-degree feedback assessment 360-degree feedback is the most exciting development to enrich human resources, organization development, consulting and coaching. Where these have generally been limited by the perspective of the subject and supervisor, 360-degree feedback broadens the canvas dramatically. It got its name because it provides information from many directions. If you picture the […]

Guidelines For 360-Degree Feedback

For half a century, 360-degree feedback has contributed to the development of fine leaders. Unhappily, it has sometimes been imposed on unready organizations, deployed in a risky manner, and earned a mixed reception. The guidelines below will help you avoid these pitfalls, devise an effective process, and select a good instrument. 360-Degree Feedback and Leadership […]

360-Degree Feedback Overview

In the past half-century, 360-degree feedback has had a growing influence in the development of effective workers and fine leaders. But it is successful only when both the organization and its people have been carefully prepared, and the tool selected carefully. What makes 360 so powerful? It’s the fact that stellar performers are those who […]

What is 360-Degree Feedback?

A Tool For Growth 360-degree feedback is a tested method of improving productivity and job satisfaction. Responses to a questionnaire, usually provided via the Internet, help employees see themselves as others see them. Generally, 8 to 15 people provide the feedback. The resulting report encourages the individuals being assessed to capitalize on their strengths, and […]
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