Mastering Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for Leadership Success

In our first article on Emotional Intelligence (“Why High Emotional Intelligence Sets You Apart“) we have discussed the impact of high EQ on personal and professional lives. Leaders with high EQ have clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and stressors.

High EQ ensures strong communication, collaboration, and adaptability. Individuals with high EQ excel at resolving conflicts, building strong relationships, and motivating teams to achieve shared goals.

They model healthy stress management and remain calm under pressure even in fast-paced, dynamic work environments.

High EQ professionals communicate effectively, control impulses, build trust, and foster lasting relationships.

Are you truly self-aware?

Self-awareness is the foundation of EQ upon which all its other components rely. Without a clear understanding of who you are and what drives your behaviors, achieving true emotional intelligence is nearly impossible.

While most people believe they’re self-aware, research by Dr. Tasha Eurich, an organizational psychologist and researcher, reveals a striking contrast: while 95% of people believe they are self-aware, only about 10-15% actually meet the criteria for self-awareness. This discrepancy, known as the “self-awareness gap,” highlights the significant difference between perception and reality. We naturally have blind spots.

Dr. Eurich’s findings emphasize the importance of cultivating genuine self-awareness, as it is a critical component of emotional intelligence and effective leadership.

The good news?

EQ is not innate. While IQ is typically fixed, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a skill that can – and should – be developed and refined over time. Your IQ and EQ are not linked.

While some individuals might naturally be more emotionally intelligent than others, the positive news is that anyone can enhance their EQ through practice and dedication. The journey to higher emotional intelligence is unique for everyone, but here are a few first steps to get you started.

Recognize Your Emotions and Name Them:

If you’re aware of the impact your emotions have on your behaviors, you can begin to manage them in a way that benefits you.

Naming your feelings is an essential first step in gaining control over them:

  • Take a moment to identify the emotions you’re experiencing.
  • Reflect on how you typically react in stressful situations.
  • Think about how you’d like to respond instead.

Consider starting a journal to track your emotions and reflect on their causes. This practice will help you identify your feelings and connect them to the events that triggered them, enabling you to manage your emotions more effectively in the future.

For example, let’s say you’re in a work meeting and get cut off. What emotions do you experience, and how do you respond? Perhaps you felt embarrassed, which led you to remain quiet for the rest of the meeting. Or, maybe you felt angry and stormed out. Writing about your emotions and their triggers will help you recognize your patterns and prepare for similar situations in the future.

Seek feedback through a 360-degree feedback assessment:

Audit your self-perception by asking colleagues, managers, or trusted friends how they perceive your emotional intelligence. Inquire about how you respond to challenges, handle conflict, and demonstrate empathy in various situations.

Although the feedback may sometimes be difficult to hear, it often provides the valuable insights needed for personal growth.

Learn from feedback and practice regularly:

Attend workshops or courses, enroll in EQ development programs, or read books on the topic (e.g., Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence).

Developing EQ is an ongoing process. Continuously apply what you’ve learned in your everyday interactions to build and refine your skills.

The outcome?

People with high emotional intelligence are able to make their emotions work for them rather than against them.

By committing to these practices, you’ll not only enhance your emotional intelligence but also improve relationships, leadership abilities, and overall well-being. This will help you succeed in your profession and make sound decisions.

So, make use of your growth mindset and stay open to improving your emotional intelligence!

If you’d like more information on using 360-degree feedback for EQ assessments, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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